Keep Californians Housed! Extend and Improve Eviction Protections
At the end of this month, vulnerable renters across California will be in danger of eviction and homelessness as the tenant protections put in place for COVID-19 are set to expire. We can’t let this happen. Tell lawmakers we must extend the eviction moratorium now.
Of the funds available to help landlords and tenants cover rent debt ($2.6 billion), only a fraction of that money ($20 million) has actually been distributed, meaning hundreds of thousands of eligible households have not yet received the relief they need.
To prevent evictions, we must improve the process of getting funds into the hands of landlords and tenants, and extend the eviction moratorium to give time for the investment to have the intended impact.
Protecting vulnerable families and individuals from eviction is one of the most important steps we can take to reduce homelessness in our communities. Click below to send a letter to leaders in Sacramento to protect California residents now!
Tell Lawmakers You Support the Extension of the Eviction Moratorium |